Meet the Dean

Dean of Students
Dean of Students
Dean of Students
Dean of Students

PhD. Irma Gjana

PhD. Irma Gjana is the Dean of Students at Western Balkans University.

She completed the Integrated Study Program of Second Level in Pharmacy at Istanbul University, Turkey in 2003. After that she received a Master’s and a PhD degree in Business Administration, focusing on the private healthcare system in Albania.

She has been the chair of the Medication Management Committee of the American Hospital Group and part of the American Hospital Procurement Department’s team.

PhD.Irma Gjana taught courses of business management, advanced marketing and leadership. She also participated in many national and international conferences as a speaker and has published several scientific articles on leadership, cultural studies, health, education and management

On the other hand, she has experience as project manager, civil society activist and trainer in many activities aimed at empowering women and youth in Albania.

She speaks Albanian, English, French, Turkish, Italian and Greek.