Meri Zalla

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Meri Zalla

Talented in: Dancing
Student in: Biomedical Engineering
Academic Year: 2022-2025


My name is Meri Zalla and I study Biomedical Engineering.
I discovered my passion for dance and mainly folk dance at the age of 5. At the age of 6, I became part of the "Albanopolis Ensemble", Fushë Krujë, where for 12 years in a row I represented my hometown in Albania and the Balkans. I received several certificates, first prizes and trophies such as: "Best Dancer", "Best Soloist" and "Best Group". At the university, I have participated in many activities that the Dean of Students has organized, where I would highlight the hospitality we gave to the university collaborators who came from Israel through some traditional Albanian dances and traditional clothing.

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