Jusra Diko

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Jusra Diko

Student in: Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence
Year of Study: 2022-2025


Hello. My name is Jusra (feel free to call me Jus) from the Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence department. I hope that I won’t be boring, but I want to be true to you who are coming next year and the ones who will read this one day. 

The university is indeed great. It has everything we could ask for: friendly staff, high-tech system, nice buildings, etc…but of course there are still things to be fixed as it’s its first year and we have high expectations. Every day is a new experience.

I have to say that till now we had great professors around us, and I like the fact that every lecturer is understandable. For example, our linear algebra professor is so EPIC. He is so fun to talk to and makes jokes with us as well. He makes the lectures look so easy.

Another dope thing that we have here are OUR ACTIVITIES!!! There ain’t nothing funnier than participating with friends. For example, the Spring Fest…it was just awesome. The best part was when we started playing with water balloons. We got wet not gonna lie. The place got “destroyed”. Since we are in our youth stage we just like chaotic things ‘cause they make things funnier, you know that right?! ;)

There’s something that I’d really love to mention…when we go to meet the dean for some reasons or just to talk to her, she gives us free candies and chocolate. As a sweet lover I’d say that it’s just generous of her. Her hospitality is on another level like OMG.

I can’t forget to mention OUR STUDENT CLUBS!!!! Nothing to say about them but just PERFECT.

As a wrap up, I want to wish all freshmen and seniors good luck with their studies (old and new ones). Y’all will have stress and difficulties but please be patient. Don’t worry, everything will work out. 

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