Kristina Ata

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Kristina Ata

Student in: Biomedical Engineering
Year of Study: 2022-2025


Why BME in WBU? 
When in doubt and hopeless, choose Western Balkans University. To be honest, you have nowhere else to go since it is the only one offering you BME degree. I didn’t fail on choosing the right one this time. I entered opened doors to the future which seemed just one call away- or 3 years our time. Huge laboratories holding hope someone would go and release limitless imagination in regard of success. Generating new knowledge each and every day to gain some brain muscles. BME is the field where my gut sent me to no matter what. I should do the most out of it even though the circumstances might not facilitate it. Chances for success are everywhere around us, we just have to catch them and own them! Hard work, motivation and concentration is all that is required. Fair enough compared to what is offered, says I. A disciplinary field which brings out sweats to build the newness, to make things better. Leaves no doubt and second thoughts inside of me. The first Albanian Gen Z is gonna bright wildly with this one. In the meantime, some really really good “toys” are waiting for us to turn them on and play with. What are you waiting for?

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